Visto 408 per l'emergenza COVID-19

Sembra che il visto Temporary Visa Activity (subclass 408) possa essere una opzione ulteriore, per coloro che hanno un visto in scadenza in 28 giorni o per coloro che gli e' scaduto il visto da non piu' di 28 giorni, ai visti normali che si possono richiedere. 

Leggendo ci sono un po' di requisiti che bisogna capire come interpretare. Per esempio:
  • e' richiesto un Vocational English (esempio IELTS 5)
  • e' un visto che verra' approvato per coloro che lavorano in aree critiche come agricoltura, salute, assistenza ad anziani e disabili, e asili
  • e' un visto per il quale e' richiesto di avere abbastanza denaro per supportare se stessi e la propria famiglia
  • e' richiesto di avere una adeguata copertura assicurativa

Il nostri migration agents sono gia' a lavoro per leggere tutte le informazioni relative a questo visto e poter assistere al meglio tutti coloro che avranno delle domande aggiuntive.

Siamo felici che si sia aggiunta questa possibilita', ma stiamo cauti sul tipo di utilizzo che se ne possa fare.

Dettagli del visto:

For the duration of the event or up to 4 years if you are an organiser


  • From AUD310. 
  • COVID-19 Pandemic visa: Free
Processing times
Processing times are not available for this visa.

With this visa you can (COVID-19 Pandemic:

  • remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
  • remain in Australia to assist in critical sectors including healthcare, disability and aged care, childcare and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You must
  • have a letter of endorsement from the event organiser
  • apply online
  • You do not need to be endorsed in writing to apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic event visa. The COVID-19 Pandemic event visa is only available to people who are onshore and have 28 days or less remaining on their current visa or where their last substantive visa has expired up to 28 days previously.
Be able to support yourself and any dependants
You must have enough money to support yourself and any dependent family members who travel to Australia with you.

What you can do when you have this visa
  • remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
  • remain in Australia to assist in critical sectors including healthcare, disability and aged care, child care and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid
Work rights will be limited to those who are granted a COVID-19 Pandemic event visa for the purpose of permitting them to work in an area of critical need such as agriculture, health, aged and disability care, and childcare.


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